Top 10k strings from Quill Adventure System, The - Patch (1985)(Gilsoft International).tzx
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1 would cause:- A rising siren to sound (quite long), followed by the Wipe routine, followed by a pause of one second. 1 pbc 1 idea of the "Objects Conveyable" routines. Finally I must thank Compass Software for using the POKE (in Project X) which started me thinking... 1 i) Make further copies as needed. 1 h) Press "a" to save all the code in one block, or any other key and the Patch will save your Patched adventure (in three parts) without any further key presses. 1 g) Insert a blank tape into the recorder and start recording. 1 f) Make a note of the figures given on screen. 1 e) if you have at least 768 bytes spare, the Patch will ask "CHR$ ?". If you wish to use an alternate typeface, answer "y" +Enter and LOAD your typeface from cassette. The Patch will automatically POKE the required locations with the numbers needed to address your typeface. 1 d) Replace The Patch in the recorder and start the tape to loud in the last section of The Patch. 1 c) Load in the saved game. 1 b) Load the Patch and stop the tape when told. Don't rewind yet! 1 a) Load the Illustrator, load in the graphics, select "Save adventure" and load in the Quill database. Select "SAVE" option and save the game on a blank tape. Reset the computer. 1 You should note that the player will NOT be asked "Do you really want to quit now?" (or whatever you have amended System Message 12 to read) so you should warn the player of this fact in the instructions. or use a different word to invoke the routine. You should not include this routine as a hidden feature of the adventure, as some players can be quite big blokes...... 1 You say test the completed adventure by entering, as a direct command, RANDOMIZE USR 25000. Best of Luck! 1 YOUR SAVED GAME": 1 When you have written your adventure (including your special PAUSE actions), drawn the pictures and saved the databases, you can proceed to use The Patch. 1 When a picture has not been drawn, because there is no picture or the player is revisiting a location, printing starts at the top of the screen as normal. 1 Value of Effect of 1 To make things as easy as possible, The Patch alters the Illustrator interpreter (using quite an extensive re-write!) so that the background colours, as specified in the Graphics Start Table, are carried through to the Quill. The Illustrator also sets PAPER 8 (transparent) and INK 9 (contrast), so your text should always he readable no matter what background colours you have used for the picture. You can, of course, use colour control codes buried in your Location Descriptions and Messages to over-ride the paper 8/ink 9 effect. 1 To change the cursor, you will need to alter the following addresses:- 1 This routine check's that you're not going off the screen, so you could use a pause value of 24 to ensure printing at the top of the screen, if that's what you want. 1 The loader may be as long as you can fit beneath RARTOP, as the Patch reclaims the Basic area for see by the stack - but avoid the use of variables whose space is not reclaimed. 1 The following table shows the necessary setting for flag 28, and also shows the effect of the number that you use after Pause. A "*" in the Pause column means any number may be used, as it has no effect, but you must still include a Pause command. 1 The default value for the printing line on split screen pictures is set to 12 (about halfway down the screen). This can be changed by POKEing address 64414 (#FB9E) with the line number you wish to use as a default value. REMEMBER:- numbers start at 1, from the BOTTOM of the screen. DO NOT use a value less than 4 or greater than 24. 1 The background colours for a picture will be used, even if the pictures have been turned off or if the picture is not drawn because the player has previously visited the location. You can therefore rely on the Illustrator to set the colours for all locations which have a picture. 1 The above addresses are for PATCHED adventures only. 1 The Quill will now choose between System Messages 2, 3 & 4 in the ratio 45:45:10, when asking for input. 1 The Patch enables you to create graphics adventures with THE QUILL and The ILLUSTRATOR and then amend the code so that "Split-Screen" Test/Pictures are displayed when the adventure is played. It does this by inserting a number of extra routines into a final adventure which prevent the normal action of waiting for a key, clearing the screen and restoring colours. Instead the colours remain as set by the Illustrator and text is printed from the line specified by flag 27. The patch also provides you with a number of extra routines which are accessed using a special form of the PAUSE command (changing the operation of a program in this way is called 'patching' which is where The Patch gets its name). 1 The Line Numbers used are not unfortunately, the same as in BASIC. They are numbered 1-24 FROM RTHE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN, so if Flag 27 is set to 15 - printing will commence on "BASIC" line 9. If you use a value of less than 4 or morn than 24, the Patch will ignore you and use a "default" value which is set as standard to 12. You could, therefore, use the default value throughout the adventure and release flag 27 for use as long as its value is0 or greater than 24. You can also change the default value - see the later "POKES" section. 1 Thanks to "Spectrum Computers" Castle Meadow, Norwich, for expert help, encouragement and the use of a decent printer! Also Colin Russell, for the 1 TZXed by Graeme Yeandle5Instructions 1 THE ROUTINES IN DETAIL 1 THE PATCH for THE QUILL/ILLUSTRATOR 1 System Message 5 is now "spare" for use by this routine, which could be used (with a message like "You are also aware of :-) if the player has been made blind in the adventure etc. 1 SELLING YOUR PATCHED ADVENTURE 1 SAVING SCREEN$ TO CASSETTE 1 Resist the temptation to over-use the above two routines - a beeping keyboard may annoy some players. 1 Resist the temptation to keep changing the picture size and the value of flag 27. Remember that players travel "backwards" through an adventure at times, and you need status or Event table entries to change the flag. 1 Phil Wade - May 1985 1 PLEASE NOTE. The Quill's error handling routine has been removed so that a tape loading error (or BREAK during a cassette save) will re-start the game. The normal END after QUIT will clear the machine after 6 seconds even if a key is not pressed. 1 PATCHING - THE FINISHED PRODUCT 1 Original Release 1 N.B. The minimum Basic loader program for a patched adventure is 1 N.B. Any other value for Flag 28 produces the normal PAUSE effect, but Flag 28 Is NOT cleared. 1 It should be obvious that the RAM SAVED game position is lost when the computer is switched off or cleared, but a cassette save could immediately follow a RAM LOAD at the end of a partially successful session! 1 It is, of course, a handy way for the player to end a session without going through the normal QUIT routine or pulling the plug. You could, perhaps, also use it in a multi-part adventure where a password needs to be entered in part 2, but use a countdown flag to give the player the chance of making a couple of mistakes before making him/her reload. 1 It is assumed that you are thoroughly familiar with THE QUILL and THE ILLUSTRATOR, especially the use of flags. Although not essential, you are recommended to use a "C Series" Quill, which has several extra facilities. 1 In order to use TWO non-standard typefaces: When patching, answer "Y" to the CHRS? prompt, and load in the typeface which will be the FIRST typeface used. Press CAPS SHIFT & BREAK. POKE 24791, (PEEK 24802) and POKE 24792, (PEEK 24803). Then GOTO 15 (Enter). Answer "y" as before, and LOAD the SECOND TYPEFACE. Put in your blank tape, START RECORDING, and press a key to SAVE the adventure. The Patch will save all the right bits, and you will find that the adventure will start with the first typeface you loaded. N.B. If you don't have room for the second typeface, the Patch will NOT prompt with "CHR$ ?". 1 In a "normal" Illustrator adventure, you don't need to worry about the colours used in pictures, as the text is quite separate and the player never sees the two together. However, your pictures will now he displayed with the text. 1 If a player uses SAVE (or RAM SAVE) at a "subroutine" location, the colours used will be those current when using LOAD (or RAM LOAD). There is no easy way of overcoming this, but the colours will be properly set at the first location which has a picture. (This is also true in a "normal" Quill or Illustrator/Quill adventure. It's not a fault in The Patch!) 1 If a player attempts a RAM LOAD without having first done a RAM SAVE, the Patch will simply ignore the command. 1 If a location is a "Subroutine", the Illustrator will NOT set any colours, and the colours used will he unchanged from the last location. This could mean that such a location will use different background colours depending on the direction in which the player is travelling. If this could be a problem, you can cater for it by specifying the wanted colours in the Event Table, and deleting the Movement Table entries - assuming you have a C Series Quill. 1 INTRODUCTION 1 I hope that you will find The Patch useful in helping you to create a better, more professional adventure. As with the Quill itself. there are no restrictions on selling your product, but please mention The Patch somewhere. 1 HOW TO USE THE PATCH 1 GoodInit?* 1 Gilsoft International 1 Flag 28 ROUTINE PAUSE No. 1 FLAG 28 a PAUSE - THE ROUTINES 1 FLAG 27 - THE LINE NUMBER 1 Careful planning is always necessary when writing a Quilled adventure. This is even more true when using The patch as the extra routines do not have any effect until the final adventure is assembled. It is suggested that you read through the next part a couple of times before attempting to write your first "Patched" adventure. 1 Be careful to leave room for the location description AND THE SYSTEM MESSAGE "Give me your command" etc., or your picture will start to scroll off the screen almost on soon as it's drawn. It's a good idea to change all the "Await command" system messages so that they take up only one line. As standard, they include a blank line (two CHR$ 6's) before the actual message. Bear in mind that visible objects also take up one line each, plus the message "I/You can also see:-'. 1 BEFORE a picture in drawn, flag 27 must be set to the Line Number at which text printing is to start. It in recommended that you always use Location 0 as an introduction screen, with no picture, and include the following entry early in the Status Table:- AT 0 LET 27 ** ANYKEY GOTO etc., where "**" is the line number appropriate for the first picture. 1 As long as the bottom of the screen has not been reached by "Give me your command" and the cursor, the screen will not scroll. You can thus print many messages without losing the picture. The "PAUSE 100" could have been "ANYKEY" to allow the player to read the message at leisure, or could have been shorter to "flash" a message on screen. The "covering" message does not have to be as long in text; you could pad with CHR$ 6's 1 As an example, an entry (in Status or Event table) of:- 1 All the other routines are accessed by setting flag 28 to the appropriate number and using a PAUSE command. You can place the necessary entries in the Status or Event Tables. The use of PAUSE in this way may seen a little strange at first, but you'll noon get used to it. 1 After a Routine has been executed, Flag 28 is RESET (i.e. made ZERO) so that any further PAUSE commands behave normally. This has been done to save memory, as otherwise you'd have to Reset it yourself after every use of a routine. Some of the Routines use the value of the Pause to determine how many repeats, which also saves memory. 1 After The patch on the cassette, you sill find two very short blocks of code named "SCREEN$ SAVE CODE 1" and " SCREEN$ SAVE CODE 2" (using keywords as part of the filename). If you LOAD each of these into the Illustrator, using Main Menu option "F" (LOAD GRAPHICS) with a null filename, you will he able to SAVE your pictures to cassette as a SCREEN$. To do this, select option "A" (GRAPHICS) from the Main Menu, then option L (+ START YOUR RECORDER BEFORE PRESSING ENTER, as the SCREEN$ is saved immediately after drawing. This routine replaces the printer COPY facility. 1 ANY OTHER value of pause, will turn the pictures ON, which will also have the effect of re-setting the pictures i.e. they will all be drawn the next time they're visited whether or not they've been visited before. If you include the command "DESC" after this routine, the player will get visible confirmation (if there's a picture) as the picture is drawn. 1 A more detailed description of each routine is given later in this manual. 1 9) The WIPE routine is called with a Flag 28 value of 9. The pause value does not matter (you wouldn't want to REPEAT it would you?) but it should normally be followed it, a CLS command or you will get some very odd effects. If it's used just before a GOTO locno, you may omit the CLS as the Quill will clear the screen before making the jump. If, for some strange reason, you do not possess a Series C Quill, you will be able to use "wipe" in the last named manner only, as Series A Quills do not have a CLS function. 1 8) "LET 28 8 PAUSE *"will switch to alternate typeface. If you did not load a typeface when patching, the normal Sinclair typeface is used. 1 7) "LET 28 7 PAUSE *" will cause the Quill to revert to the normal Spectrum type-face. The initialisation routines inserted into the Quill interpreter by the Patch will also do this, so a "QUIT" (or SUPER-QUIT) will always re-set the type-face to normal. N.B. If you have the space, patience and inclination you may have TWO non-standard type-faces in memory and switch between them, but you lose the normal Spectrum type-face. Details on how to do this are given in the "POKES" section later on. 1 6) The SHORT WHITE NOISE sound effect is actually a variant of 5) above, and is used in the same way. 1 5) The LONG WHITE NOISE sound effect, can be quite effective when used with repeats (pause value) and can sound like machinery. 1 4) This is more than just a sound effect, and does the following:- All the attributes on the screen are made "negative" in that black becomes white and all the colours take on their "opposite" blue/yellow etc.). There is then a short burst of white noise accompanied by a multicoloured striped border. If you use an EVEN number for the Pause value, the screen will end up as normal. An Odd number will give a very odd effect! It could be used to simulate an electric shock, but I'm sure you can find other uses for it. 1 3) The FALLING SIREN uses the same starting pitch as 1) above, and is used in exactly the same way. 1 27192 & 27180 POKE with 255 minus ASCII Code of Cursor required. (it's 255-32=223 for a space at present) 1 27187 POKE with 255 minus ASCII Code of "Marker" (ie ">" as standard) 1 27186 POKE with 255 for a non-inverse marker. 1 27179 & 27191 POKE with 255 for non-flashing cursor. 1 24663,";L1;" 1 21) The following entry in the Event Table will invoke a RAM SAVE:- 1 21 RAM SAVE - Use any other Pause value 1 21 RAM LOAD - Use Pause value of 50 (L = Roman 50) 1 20) This routine requires some thought to use properly, and is best explained by, an example. 1 20 Amend print position UP screen by value of PAUSE. 1 2) The TELEPHONE sound effect is very distinctive, and consists of TWO warbles followed by a pause of 1 second. The pause value determines the number of repeats. 1 1l) "LET 28 11 PAUSE n" will SET the maximum number of Objects Conveyable to the value of n. QUIT (or Super-Quit) will re-set the objects conveyable. 1 19) "LET 28 19 PAUSE 255" will turn the pictures OFF. This can be very useful, and would normally be under the player's control to allow him/her to step quickly through your adventure to a certain point then restore the pictures. It has no effect on the picture already on screen, unless you follow it with CLS! You could perhaps use it as a penalty, but then the player wouldn't see your works of art. 1 19 Turn Pictures ON - any other pause value 1 19 Turn Pictures OFF - use pause value of 255 (0FF in hex!) 1 18) This routine is similar to 17) above, but the key-board will emit a higher-pitched beep. 1 18 High-pitched "beep" Key-click * 1 17) "LET 26 17 PAUSE *" will change the key-click to a low-pitched beep. You could use this to warn of approaching danger, low energy, nearing the goal, wrong direction etc. If you tell the player of the significance in the instructions, it will add to the excitement. 1 17 Low-pitched "beep" Key-click * 1 16) This routine RE-SETS the key-click to the normal Quill type. The pause value is ignored, but must be included. 1 16 Normal Key-click * 1 15) "LET 28 15 PAUSE n" will DECREASE the maximum number of objects Conveyable by n. This routine is best used to add realism. e.g. If the Player is carrying something heavy. or is tired, or is wearing something restricting he/she will not be able to carry as many objects. If the offending garment is removed, or the heavy object is dropped, use routine 14 to amend obj/conv. The number will not decrease past 0. 1 15 Decrease "Objects Conveyable" by value of Pause. n 1 14) "LET 28 14 PAUSE n" will INCREASE the maximum number at Objects Conveyable by, n, but will not go past 255. 1 14 Increase "Objects Conveyable" by value of Pause. n 1 13) This routine (note the number!) will completely clear the player's Spectrum - just like RANDOMISE USR 0 or pulling the plug out. The player should certainly be warned of this (if you include the feature) and it's beat to use some peculiar Vocab. words (like ZXZX ZXZX) to invoke it 1 13 Crash (Re-sets Computer) * 1 12) "LET 28 12 PAUSE *" will cause a complete RE-START of the game, (SUPER-QUIT). This routine (and the normal QUIT) will also do the following "house-keeping":- 1 12 Super-Quit (Restarts Adventure) * 1 11 Set (Objects Conveyable" to value of Pause. n 1 10) "LET 26 10 PAUSE n" will cause the System Message 'I can also see:-" to be replaced with System Message n. If n>29 the commend is ignored. System Message 1 is re-set after a QUIT 1 10 Replace System Message 1, with System Message n n 1 1) "LET 28 1 PAUSE n" will invoke the RISING SIREN sound effect. The value of PAUSE will determine the length i.e. the number of "notes" in the sound. The starting pitch is fixed. 1 0) A value of 0 (or any value greater than 21) for flag 28 will mean that a PAUSE command in the Statue or Event tables will behave normally. 1 (It's up to you to define the words which invoke it) 1 (If you saved the code as one block, omit a LOAD "" CODE 1 "The Quill", 'The Illustrator", "The Patch" and all associated documentation are (c) Gilsoft International Ltd. 1 "MESSAGE 2 LET 28 20 PAUSE 3 PAUSE 200 MESSAGE 3" would have the following effect, if Message 2 was three lines long, and Massage 3 was at least as long:- 1 ";S2;",";L2 1 "24802",ch-z* 1 "24663",L1: 1 "24663"+L1 1 !x`6\#6Y##6 1 9 "Wipe" Screen-Clear Effect (use CLS after) * 1 8 Use alternate typeface * 1 7 Revert to normal typeface * 1 6 Sound Effect 6 (White noise - Short) Repeats 1 5 Sound Effect 5 (White noise - Long) Repeats 1 4 Sound Effect 4 (Electric shock) Repeats 1 3 Sound Effect 3 (Falling Siren) Length 1 2 Sound Effect 2 (Telephone) Repeats 1 1 Sound Effect 1 (Rising Siren) Length 1 0 Normal Pause Effect Normal 1 d) Message 3 is printed OVER THE TOP of Message 2. 1 c) There is a pause of four seconds. 1 b) The "printing line" is advanced 3 lines UP the screen, 1 a) Message 2 is printed on the screen. 1 Type-face re-set to normal. 1 System Message 1 Re-set. 1 Pictures "ON" 1 Objects conveyable re-set. 1 Key-click normal. 1 10 CLEAR 24662 : LOAD "" CODE : LOAD "" CODE : RANDOMISE USR 25000 1 + all usual re-sets as per normal Quill. 1 "LET 28 1 PAUSE 200 LET 28 9 PAUSE 1 CLS PAUSE 50" 1 i.e. to the beginning of Message 2. 1 LET 28 21 PAUSE 50 will invoke a RAM LOAD, and your player will be instantly transported to the position saved, just like a normal cassette load - but quicker. 1 LET 28 21 PAUSE * where * is not 50